Monthly Archives: February 2009

Play List 2/25/09 6pm – 6:40pm

Another short show.  Stay tuned tomorrow for some comments on the Alan Moore interview in Wired and hopefully this weekend a review of the recent Naxos release of John Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man.

Three Constructions – First Construction (In Metal) – Cage, J – Donald Knaack Percussion Ensemble
Billy the Kid – Mexican Dance – Copland, A – Baltimore Symphony Orchestra,  David Zinman
St. Luke Passion – Deus meus (Psalm 21) – Penderecki, K – Warsaw National Philharmonic and Choir, Antoni Wit
Night on Bald Mountain – Mussorgsky, M – New York Philharmonic, Leonard Bernstein
Two Romances to Lyrics by M. Lermontov – I: A Morning in the Caucasus – Shostakovich, D S – Natalia Biryukova, Yuri Serov

Play List 2/18/09 6:00-6:40 pm

Another abbreviated show… and one scratchy voice

Ebony Concerto -I: Allegro Moderato – Stravinsky, I 0 Netherlands Wind Ensemble cond. Edo de Waart, Clar Solo: George Pieterson 
String Quartet #4 – IV: Allegretto Pizzicato, V: Allegro Molto – Bartok, B – Vermeer Quartet 
New York to Neptune (1998) – Ligeti, L – Stefan RodeProcede Roesco-Letort 
Rapture – Concerto for Pecussion and Orchestra – II: Mallets – Torke, M – Royal Scottish National Orchestra / Marin Alsop 
Estate (Frammento di Alceo) – Dallapiccola, L – Choeur Contemporain d’Aix en Provence, cond. Roland Hayrabedian 
Canzon VII (1615) – Gabrieli, G – London Symphony Orchestra Brass 
Lieutenant Kije – Symphonic Suite, Op. 60 – I: The Birth of Kije – Prokofiev, S – Chicago Symphony Orchestra, cond. Fritz Reiner